The Funnel

Do you want to speak to an expert? Scroll to the bottom of this page and schedule a phone call with us. We would be glad to help, or possibly even run the ads for you!



This is the top of the funnel. What is your opt in offer? Perhaps a service that everyone needs, or a monthly special you have running.

Run this to a broader audience. Women; 33-45 with kids living in a 10 mile radius.

The button then sends them to a landing page, or your website to take some sort of action.

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Following Up

After the prospecting has been completed, hopefully the prospect client has taken an action on your website like; filling out a form, booking an appointment, or purchasing an item through your online store.

If they haven’t, well you need to follow up with them! This is done but a piece of code called the Pixel that goes into your website to better understand who is taking action.

When the prospect doesn’t take action we follow up, with either a better offer or a lead form. Once that lead form is filled out it is automatically sent over to your sales force to book an appointment.

We can exclude anyone who has already taken an action on your site, so that means fresh new clients!

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Creating an Ad Set

This is who you are targeting in your prospecting campaign. Who is your “ideal” client? Where do they live? What kind of interests do they have? What ethnicity are they? The are an infinite amount of combinations that you can choose from.

Remember that Pixel we spoke of? That is the most important tool with Facebook Ads. Once enough events like a purchase, or a lead form is filled out; Facebook will do the prospecting for you with what is called a Lookalike Audience.

Set your budget and away you go to getting new customers.

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The Ad

Give your ad a call to action! You want your prospective client to take action right? Make it easy for them to do so.

Give them enough information to make a decision and then have the system in place to get their information, book an appointment, or purchase a service or product.

You are now ready to rock your Facebook Ads account. Using Ads Manager has given plenty of businesses a leg up on their competition and has resulted in revenue growth year after year. What’s stopping you from getting started?

Speak to an expert below by scheduling a call with us today!


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Well you have gotten this far! Schedule a call below with us and we can help you bring more business. Only question you need to be ready to answer is, “When do you want more business?”